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Bal des Parisiennes, le Bal Viennois de Paris

Saturday, June 15th 2019 - Brongniart Palace



Le Chœur & Orchestre Sorbonne Universités brings together a hundred of young, enthusiastic and passionate musicians, around an ambitious musical project. Conducted by a German conductor, Corinna Niemeyer and an Argentinean choirmaster, Ariel Alonso, the two ensembles perform regularly in exceptional venues, including the Grand Amphitheater of the Sorbonne. The Sorbonne University Choir & Orchestra represents Sorbonne Universities and ensures its influence during prestigious ceremonies and trips abroad.

Developed for the pedagogical, cultural and scientific policy of Sorbonne Universities and Collegium Musicae, in close connection with musicological research, the COSU's programming opens up at the same time to the great repertoire, to the unpublished pieces or rarely played, or to the creation of works of command. French music always remains preferred in its programming.

This year, the Orchestra Sorbonne Universités, directed by Sébastien Taillard, Corinna Niemeyer's assistant conductor, gives its youth, its prestige and its passion on the service of Viennese music, ensuring, undoubtedly, a delicious accompaniment to make us dance!